The meeting was held ahead of the Government’s annual report to the State Duma.
Excerpts from the transcript:
Mikhail Mishustin: Mr Volodin,
We have traditionally held meetings with all the State Duma factions ahead of the Government’s annual report to the State Duma scheduled for tomorrow. I would like to tell you that this practice helps the Government get a clearer view of the deputies’ concerns and work to achieve the objectives and fulfil the tasks set for us by the people, as well as the national development goals formulated by the President. We regard this as a test because it involved hard work on the hundreds of questions submitted to the Government.
Mr Volodin, I suggest that today we discuss all the issues related to the report I will deliver tomorrow. After that, I plan to hold a meeting with the deputy prime ministers and concerned ministers on preparations of the Government’s report.
Vyacheslav Volodin: Mr Mishustin,
During the past month, our deputies met with ministers and deputy prime ministers, and the party factions met with you to discuss preparations for the report.
This report is not only an important part of our work. More importantly, it offers an opportunity to find solutions to the most complex issues our people have raised. It is notable that the State Duma has developed constructive relations with the Government. You have done a great deal to make this work more transparent, which we appreciate. All these meetings have created a solid foundation for our conversation tomorrow. We understand that there are things we succeed in, and we should point this out. But there are also many [unresolved] issues, and so we hope that this conversation will help us find solutions and achieve national development goals, which the President always points out when he sets the tasks for us. In light of our joint responsibility, we must be together on this.