Almost 1,500 defence industry organisations take part in the forum, presenting over 28,000 exhibits.
Opening ceremony of the Army-2020 International Military-Technical Forum and the ArMY-2020 International Army Games
Opening ceremony of the Army-2020 International Military-Technical Forum and the ArMY-2020 International Army Games
Opening ceremony of the Army-2020 International Military-Technical Forum and the ArMY-2020 International Army Games
The Prime Minister delivered a speech at the opening of Army 2020 International Military-Technical Forum and International Army Games 2020, took a tour around the exhibition of the latest weapons, military and special equipment, and attended a demonstration T-34 tank race and shootout.
The Army 2020 International Military-Technical Forum is a unique format to display the latest scientific and engineering ideas embodied in the newest and most promising examples of smart weapons, military equipment and technologies as well as projects in construction and logistics.
The forum is held at the Patriot congress and exhibition centre in the Odintsovo District of the Moscow Region, Kubinka Airfield and Alabino training range.
The forum includes an exhibition of the latest weapons and equipment as well as demonstrations and scientific-business programmes.
As per tradition, this large exhibition of the latest innovations in the defence industry, which is attended by leading Russian and foreign experts, serves as a popular platform to discuss military-technical cooperation and promotes partnerships between various countries’ defence agencies.
Almost 1,500 defence organisations are expected to participate in the forum, and the number of exhibits will exceed 28,000.
This year the forum is being held in parallel with the sixth International Army Games.
Mikhail Mishustin’s
Good afternoon.
I would like to welcome everybody who has arrived here to take part in the Army-2020 International Military-Technical Forum and International Army Games. They are being held for the sixth time already. However, this is the first time that they have been combined. I am sure that both the participants and fans of the Army Games will enjoy an exciting and spectacular celebration, while the forum will confirm its status as a unique venue for advantageous contracts, new business projects, creativity and breakthrough ideas, and most importantly for communicating and developing international military-technical cooperation. And as the President has just said, it is important to establish trust-based relationships and search for solutions to new challenges together.
I am glad to see here our friends who came from abroad. We have here delegations from over 90 countries this year. And I say: welcome to Russia.
More than 1,500 defence industry enterprises and companies are displaying here, at the Forum, a record number of exhibits. They include over 28,000 samples of weaponry and military equipment. Our defence industry not only supplies the Armed Forces with everything they need, but is also building up its export of high-tech military products. You will see for yourselves that Russian developments can withstand the fiercest competition. New weapons will be presented for the first time here, including a combat vehicle for anti-aircraft gunners, drones and a hovercraft. I am sure that experts will duly appreciate the opportunities offered by the novel hardware and software complex of image processing based on neural network technology.
This year, the Russian defence industry is presenting its civilian products at the forum on such a scale for the first time. Today, this is the Safe City smart transport system and medical equipment, as well as equipment for municipal, utilities and agriculture needs. These and many other projects have been carried out as part of the defence industry diversification.
I believe the innovative military developments on display will make an impression on all participants and guests.
Serious attention has been paid at the forum to the role of digital technology and artificial intelligence in the development of the Armed Forces. After all, we plan to equip all branches of military service with reliable information, telecommunication and navigation systems, enhance the use of Russian supercomputer technology and introduce robotics.
Of course, we are proud of the combat hardware that we present here. But, after all, a powerful army is not about aircraft and tanks alone. It is about the people. People are our main asset. The Russian Army consists of soldiers and sailors, sergeant majors and warrant officers, command sergeants major, officers, generals and admirals. All of them protect our country every day. These are reliable, strong-willed and courageous people that are ready to defend our homeland against any threats. They are always supported by defence industry workers, people who develop highly competitive products at the junction of science, technology and production. And, of course, it is important to mention their families who inspire them to do this responsible work. They are creating a strong home front, allowing defence industry workers, those who ensure national security, to fully concentrate on solving government tasks.
We have people whose example we can follow. These are people who fought in the Great Patriotic War. They will always inspire us. This year we marked the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory in World War II. Each of us cherishes the memory of these events. They are part of our family histories. We honour the exploit of those who defended our Motherland – at the frontlines and on the home front, where our defence industry was founded. It was at that time that the foundation was laid that now allows us to ensure national security. Today, our military are on combat duty, while defence industry professionals are prepared to tackle any tasks. You are to judge the training of the Russian Army and the performance of our designers. I wish success to all participants of the forum and, of course, exciting and memorable competitions during the Games!