Dmitry Patrushev

Dmitry Patrushev

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Took office in: 14.05.2024

Born October 13, 1977 in Leningrad.

1999: Ggraduated from State University of Management with a degree in Management.

1999–2002: Worked at the Ministry of Transport.

2002–2004: Received training at the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry specialising in World Economy.

2004: Began work at the Foreign Trade Bank (Vneshtorgbank, since 2007 VTB Bank). Starting in 2007, held the position of the bank’s senior vice-president.

2010–2018: Chair of the Board of Directors of Rosselkhozbank.

May 18, 2018: Appointed Minister of Agriculture by Presidential Executive Order. 

14 May 2024: Appointed Deputy Prime Minister.