The meeting was held in the context of preparations for the Government’s annual report to the State Duma.
Excerpts from the transcript:
Mikhail Mishustin’s meeting with members of the Communist Party State Duma faction
Mikhail Mishustin: Good afternoon, Mr Zyuganov,
Ahead of the Government’s report to the State Duma, we continue holding meetings with all parliamentary factions.
Mr Zyuganov, according to the President, the party you lead makes a significant contribution to the political discussion and the search for the most acceptable and rational solutions for the country’s development in the social sphere, the economy, industry, the defence area, and security.
Interaction between the parliamentary factions and the Government is of much importance for us. This ensures systemic legislative activities based on the feedback from the citizens, the need for which is constantly emphasised by the President.
I want to thank you in particular for your attention to people with disabilities.
At your party’s initiative, a decision was taken on priority enrolment of children with disabilities, persons disabled from childhood, those with military injuries, as well as orphans into technical schools and colleges.
Helping families with children is yet another important focal area. Along with other factions, you have drafted a large-scale bill that establishes a unified federal programme of upbringing for children’s organisations. This programme not only envisages a playing format but also takes into account our country’s spiritual and moral values. I know that you have been heavily involved in this work personally.
The Communist Party has always focused on the development of the agro-industrial sector.
Your initiatives have helped to finetune the incentives for farm sales. This will boost opportunities for subsidiary plot owners and small commodity producers to sell their products, including, what is highly important, to large chain stores.
I would like to dwell in particular on the deputies’ involvement in the effort to digitalise agriculture. The Communist Party has helped to provide a legislative framework for creating a unified federal state information system on the use and protection of agricultural lands. This is a very important step that ensures the transparency of efforts to manage this key resource and reduces the administrative pressure on producers.
There are also some newly adopted amendments that expand and simplify the use of e-services enabling agricultural businesses to receive government support.
There are very many examples of productive communist MPs’ lawmaking. I want to note that the Communist Party has always practiced a responsible attitude towards supporting the domestic industry and promoting the national scientific potential.
Mr Zyuganov, I want to thank you and your colleagues at the faction for your constructive cooperation in all current areas of joint activity.
Please, you have the floor.