The agenda includes: supporting investment projects in the regions, developing hydrogen power generation.
Excerpts from the transcript:
Building infrastructure requires substantial funding. Neither the investor nor the regions can do this on their own. The Government is launching a new investment promotion mechanism for the Russian regions. It consists of writing off debts on budget loans so that the regions can channel the freed budget funds into developing infrastructure for investment projects. The rules for selecting new investment projects have been approved, and we will prepare an overall list based on the proposals from the regions and their review by the relevant ministries and agencies.
This way, we can carry out projects in agriculture, processing, road and housing construction and utilities. The write-off will be equal to the future federal tax proceeds from the investment project. This will ease the debt burden on the regional budgets and will encourage investment in the Russian regions.
There is another important matter. The Government has approved a plan to develop hydrogen power generation over a period of the next four years. This is the first step to creating a new high-technology sector in Russia. The document covers efforts to develop the legal framework, state support for research and projects to build capacity, as well as to enhance the standing of Russian companies on this high-potential international market.
The world is moving towards gradually phasing out carbon energy resources. Many countries currently have programmes to develop alternative energy sources, including hydrogen. The energy demand structure is changing. As an exporting country, Russia has to take this into consideration.
We have considerable potential in hydrogen power generation, primarily due to the proximity to the hydrogen markets in Europe and Asia Pacific, as well as robust research and industrial potential, and resources. We intend to support pilot projects, including building gas turbines and powering trains with hydrogen methane fuels, as well as zero carbon emission hydrogen production facilities.