Visit to the common use centre New Petrochemical Processes, Polymer Composites and Adhesives
At the centre’s Institute of Chemical Physics, the Prime Minister examined a pilot industrial power device for clean processing of solid household and industrial waste with heat and electricity co-generation.
The Prime Minister was shown a device for advanced oil refining, and acquainted with advanced processing methods for natural and associated gas. He was also told about the processes to create next-generation nano-modified polymers and composite materials.
Next were “smart” convection photocatalytic air cleaners. Based on oxidation, these devices turn themselves on when foreign particles are detected in the air, making it approximately 20 times cleaner. The device is currently in use, particularly in medical centres.
Dmitry Medvedev was shown special apparatuses with hydrogen fuel cells, and acquainted with the manufacturing process for profiled sapphire monocrystals, which are used to make parts for various kinds of equipment.