The Russian-Brazilian High-Level Commission on Cooperation, led by the Russian prime minister and the Brazilian vice president, was established following the meeting of the Brazilian and Russian presidents during the 50th session of the UN General Assembly in New York in 1995 to actively develop bilateral relations. The mutual resolution on establishing the High-Level Commission on Cooperation was signed on 21 November 1997, during Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevgeny Primakov's official visit to Brazil. Similar commissions have been established with Venezuela, Indonesia, China, Singapore, Ukraine and France.
The first meeting of the Russian-Brazilian High-Level Commission on Cooperation took place during Brazilian Vice President Marco Maciel's visit to Russia in June 2000. The second meeting was held on 12 December 2001 during Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov's official visit to Brazil. The third meeting took place on 12 October 2004, in Moscow. It was an important event in the run-up to Russian President Putin's visit to Brazil. The fourth meeting took place on 4 April 2006 in Brasilia, where Russia was represented by Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov. The fifth meeting of the Russian-Brazilian High-Level Commission on Cooperation was held on 17 May 2011 in Moscow and was led by Vladimir Putin and Brazilian Vice President Michel Temer.
The High-Level Commission on Cooperation includes the Russian-Brazilian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation (including groups on trade, economic and industrial cooperation, scientific and technological cooperation, cooperation in the education field, interbank and financial cooperation, cooperation in the energy field and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space, military and technological cooperation and cooperation in culture and sports field) and the Commission on Political Issues.
Andrei Denisov, Chairman of the Russian part of the Intergovernmental Commission is also Deputy Chairman of the Russian part of the Russian-Brazilian High-Level Commission on Cooperation. First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ruy Nunes Pinto Nogueira is Chairman of the Brazilian part of the Intergovernmental Commission. The Intergovernmental Commission has met seven times (April 1999 in Brasilia, September 2001 in Moscow, February 2004 in Brasilia, October 2005 in Moscow, November 2008 in Brasilia, October 2010 in Brasilia and May 2011 in Moscow.)
According to the established tradition, deputy foreign ministers monitoring bilateral relations chair the Commission on Political Issues that is a part of the High-Level Commission on Cooperation (Sergei Ryabkov in Russia and Vera Machado in Brazil.) Consultations on security and strategic stability between deputy foreign ministers and representatives of the relevant departments are regularly held within the commission. First consultations took place in Moscow in October 1997 and the latest round of consultations involving Andrei Denisov took place in Moscow during the fifth meeting of the High-Level Commission on Cooperation.
Brazil and Russia signed the schedule of political consultations between Russian and Brazilian foreign ministries for 2013-2015.