Natalia Timakova

Natalia Timakova

Press Secretary for the Prime Minister and Deputy Chief of the Government Staff

Took office in: 22.05.2012

Born 1975, in Alma-Ata.


1998: Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Philosophy.

Fluent in English.


1995-1997: Political correspondent for Moskovsky Komsomolets.

1997: Political correspondent for Kommersant Publishing House.

1999: Political commentator, news service of the Interfax news agency.

1999: Appointed Deputy Head of the Government Information Department of the Government Executive Office.

2000: Appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Press Office.

2001: Appointed First Deputy Head of the Presidential Press Office.

November 2002: Appointed First Deputy Press Secretary of the President and Head of the Presidential Press Office.

2004-2008: Head of the Presidential Press and Information Office

2008-2012: Press Secretary of the President.

May 22, 2012: Appointed Press Secretary of the Prime Minster and Deputy Chief of the Government Staff.