The document was drafted at the initiative of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media in order to encourage the development of mobile networks and to simplify the procedure for calculating lump-sum and annual payments for the use of radio spectrum bands in the Russian Federation.
Government Resolution No. 171 of 16 March 2011 approved the Regulations for Calculating and Levying Lump-Sum and Annual Payments for the Use of Radio Spectrum Bands, hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 171. Acting on the basis of Resolution No. 171, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media issued its Order No. 164 of 30 June 2011 approving the Methods for Calculating Lump-Sum and Annual Payments for the Use of Radio Spectrum Bands in the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as Methods.
The signed resolution introduces changes making it possible to calculate lump-sum and annual payments for the use of GSM, IMT MC-450, UMTS and LTE standard radio spectrum bands, excluding the GSM-R standard, as well as their subsequent modifications with regard to radio spectrum bands, which have been allocated by a decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies or those listed in licenses with the right to provide communications services using radio spectrum bands to every Russian region or part of each region.
The current procedure for calculating lump-sum and annual payments for the use of radio spectrum bands remains the same for other radio technologies.
The signed document aims to encourage communications companies to develop mobile networks, including advanced radio technologies, and to simplify the procedure for calculating lump-sum and annual payments for the use of radio spectrum bands in the Russian Federation.