Resolution No. 240 of 16 February 2023
From 3 April to 1 November 2024, Russia is planning to run a pilot programme on introducing customs monitoring. The resolution to this effect has been signed.
Monitoring is a relatively new form of customs control. It is already operating in the tax area and is reducing the number of inspections of companies in exchange for their openness before tax bodies. Now this practice will be tested in customs.
Authorised economic operators and companies – residents of industrial parks – will take part in the experiment on a voluntary basis.
The uniform customs automated information system will automatically varify information from the customs declarations of the participants in the programme with the data from their internal accounting systems for goods. The participants will give customs officers access to their information resources for this purpose.
If the system detects an incongruity in the data, it alerts the given company of the risks and offers to assess and eliminate these violations itself. In exchange for this, the participants in the programme can count on fewer face-to-face inspections and, hence, lower expenses.