This document was drafted by the Ministry of Education and Science according to the Regulations on distribution of subsidies to Russia’s leading universities to increase their competitiveness among major global scientific and education centres.
Under Presidential Executive order No. 599 of May 7, 2012 On Measures to Implement the State Education and Science Policy, at least five Russian universities should be among the world’s top one hundred by 2020.
To complete this task, the Ministry of Education and Science held an open competitive tender for state support for Russia’s top universities.
According to the tender’s results, the Council for enhancing the competitiveness of Russia’s leading universities among major global scientific and educational centres offered proposals on 15 universities recommended for state support, as well as on the values of coefficients to calculate the volume of subsidies for the top universities.
Under the directive, the state budget will allocate subsidies for this purpose. The council recommended using the equal distribution of subsidies between the winning universities in 2013, taking into account the values of coefficients and restrictions stipulated by the regulations.
By October 15, 2013, the winning universities should be ready to present action plans on implementing their programmes to improve competitiveness (roadmaps), after which the council will review and make conclusions.
The Ministry of Education and Science will monitor the implementation of these programmes.
The federal budget will allocate nine billion roubles to implement the programmes on improving the competitiveness of Russia’s leading universities in 2013.
The directive was approved at the Government meeting on August 21, 2013.