This document has been drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade per item 6 of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2012 to implement the President’s Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2012 and item 27 of the instruction of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012.
A plan (road map) for the Development of the Composite Materials’ Industry is a package of measures to improve the process of producing and using composite materials and products.
Composite materials are among the most efficient and technologically advanced materials. The composite materials include polymers, ceramics, metals, carbon fiber and other fiber reinforced substrates. Composite materials are used in different fields including construction, housing and utilities, energy, transport, and other related industrial fields.
This plan is part of the sub-programme, The Development of Composite Materials and Products which is part of the Developing Industry and Increasing Competitiveness state programme.
Implementation of the aforementioned measures will result in reaching benchmarks set by the road map (for 2016 and 2020) which include, among other things, production volumes, consumption, the export of composite materials and products, as well as the development of the regulatory framework necessary for the industry’s development.
A key priority for the development of composite material production is the opening of a mass market for these products which will provide the necessary capital for investment projects and the further development of the industry.
Regulatory measures implemented as part of the road map should create the necessary conditions for developing a contemporary composite materials industry which will be able to compete in domestic and international markets.
The list of benchmarks set by the road map stipulates the following objectives by 2020:
- the volume of domestic production of composite materials and products – 120 billion roubles;
- volume of products consumed per capita – 1.5 kg a year;
- percent for export − 10 %.
Additionally, no less than 553 normative technical, legal and other documents, necessary for the industry’s development, eight programmes on the application of composite materials in related economic sectors, and 20 regional programmes have been set to be drafted and approved by 2020.
The road map does not specify budget allocations for the implementation of measures stipulated by the document.
Implementation of the road map will require that the authorities of the constituent entities adopt acts approving regional programs on the use of composite materials (item 15 of the road map), take part in the creation of a monitoring system and ensure control over the implementation of the programmes (items 16 and 17 of the road map).