The document was drafted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and is aimed at:
- improving legislation and the regulatory framework on supporting employment, attracting and using foreign workers in Russia, developing professional standards, modernising the remuneration scheme and improving labour conditions;
- making and using forecasts of the situation in the labour market (forecasts of the balance of the labour force), improving the system of informing the public, including foreign nationals, about employment vacancies;
- monitoring compliance with the labour legislation, increasing employers’ liability for violations of the labour legislation and the liability of foreign workers for illegal employment.
The plan is to be implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Service for Labour and Employment within the limits approved for the number of the staff of their head offices and territorial branches, as well as federal budgetary allocations stipulated for their management within their competencies.
The document is designed to help streamline the work of the federal executive agencies responsible for implementing the Employment Support programme, to ensure that the target figures under the programme are achieved by 2015 and to create the legal, economic and institutional conditions for the successful development of the labour market.
The directive obliges the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection to post an approved plan on its website and on the website of Government programmes within two weeks.