The Resolution has been developed by the Ministry of Energy following the Government’s Instruction No. 744-R of May 5, 2012, which adopted the action plan to implement Federal Law No. 394 of December 6, 2011, On Introducing Amendments to the Federal Law On Electric Energy.
In order to regulate the mechanism used to determine the characteristics of selling power from generating facilities operating on renewable energy sources, amendments have been proposed for the following regulatory acts:
- Rules on the Wholesale Market of Electric Energy and Power adopted by the Government’s Resolution No. 1172 of December 27, 2010, with respect to how characteristics of selling power from renewable energy generating facilities are established;
- Rules on Qualifying a Renewable Energy Generating Facility adopted by Government Resolution No. 426 of June 3, 2008, with respect to the introduction of a mandatory requirement on observing the proper degree of localisation for the main renewable energy generating and auxiliary equipment;
- Statute on the Ministry of Industry and Trade, adopted by Government Resolution No. 438 of 2008.
The document stipulates the Rules for Establishing Prices for Power from Renewable Energy Generating Facilities, which requires the return of capital used to build the facilities and that the necessary level of profitability is achieved.
The implementation of the Resolution’s provisions will make it possible to develop competitive relations on the wholesale market and create a competitive mechanism for determining the list of renewable energy generating facilities which will sign contracts to sell power. This will be possible after investment projects are selected through tenders. These tenders will be held for each renewable energy generating technology.
The document is aimed at creating conditions for the use of a special mechanism for selling power in order to promote the development of renewable energy generating facilities on the wholesale electricity market. This mechanism should provide for the return of capital used to build such facilities and the necessary level of profitability.