The directive is aimed at upgrading hydro-meteorological support for Russia’s economy and population and upgrading the scientific potential of the Russian Hydro-Meteorological Service.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment drafted the directive following the Government’s instructions.
The directive expresses agreement with the ministry’s proposal to hold talkson Russia’s accession to the Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (hereinafter referred to as the Centre).
The Convention was signed by representatives of 18 European countries in 1973 and entered into force on 1 November 1975.
The Centre’s headquarters is located in the city of Reading, United Kingdom.
Today 34 countries take part in its work.
The Centre’s main aim is to upgrade the quality of medium-range weather forecasts (up to two weeks) and provide such forecasts to its members.
By joining the Centre as a member-country Russia will gain access to the best global weather forecasts for a medium term, a month, half a year, and other types of forecasts (particularly, for seas and oceans). This will improve the quality of prompt hydro-meteorological support of the Russian economy and population, help predict dangerous and extreme weather, and expand the range of forecasts.
To join the Convention, Russia will sign the agreement on accession to it.