During the meeting, members of a specialised expert group of the Expert Council at the Government presented a report with proposals on reorganising the Federal Space Agency. The experts suggested that the formulation of clear goals and objectives for current national space exploration programmes, as well as the drafting of a strategy, with due consideration for foreign experience, should be the first step.
The experts also agreed that it was necessary to improve and use all the available resources of the national aerospace industry in order to achieve the best possible results and to restructure the industry. For example, various small and independent companies should merge into consolidated legal entities, which could be managed by a 100% state-owned shareholding company.
Participants in the meeting believe that the Federal Space Agency should draft a relevant national space exploration strategy, and that it should also regulate and own the research, testing and launch infrastructure. Moreover, the Federal Space Agency should administer complex projects and ensure the necessary coordination and integration.
Mr Abyzov said during the meeting that he considered the current consensus between the Expert Council and private companies concerning the development of the aerospace industry and commercial space projects to be a major achievement.