Directive No. 1689-r, September 19, 2013
A draft directive on approving the concept for working out and developing the mechanisms of public control over the activity of natural monopolies involving consumers and an action plan (roadmap) to work out and implement them has been presented by Minister Mikhail Abyzov.
One other objective is to provide maximum transparency of decision-making related to natural monopolies’ investment programmes and pricing and to improve the quality of information released.
The draft directive’s action plan will be in effect through the end of 2014 and involves measures such as developing and introducing basic standards, testing approaches and principles, analysing primary application experience and making proposals on further improvement.
The primary purpose behind the plan is to enhance monitoring of state-controlled companies’ spending, to ensure their greater transparency and to create conditions for an open dialogue with consumers.
The proposed measures are expected to increase the efficiency of the existing mechanisms of public control over operations of natural monopolies’ entities while also reducing the adverse economic and social implications through newly created mechanisms.